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Function: All-in-one reference for creative writers.
Developer: MasterWriter, Inc.
Word para mac download free. Price: $10/month; $100/year; or $200 one-time purchase
Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4. Universal.
Trial: Fully-featured (10 days).
Have you ever fancied yourself the author of a series of Grammy-winning songs?You may not be on on the stage of “American Idol,” but maybe you will be invitedto “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me” to play “Not My Job.” Fame and fortune, many desirethem, and with MasterWriter 2.0 at your disposal, the goal is not so elusive. Oris it?
MasterWriter 2 uses Apple’s installer, whereby you have to agree to some licenseagreement. If you wish, you can state your affiliation to performance-rightsorganizations, such as ASCAP. It is understandable as you can potentiallyproduce the next great song and may get into legal battles. If you already havea band, an agent, and a lawyer, be sure to scrutinize the MasterWriter licenseagreement.
MasterWriter has three buying options. You can subscribe for $10 per month or$100 per year, with free updates, I suppose, during the subscription.Alternatively, you can buy it for $200 but get no updates whatsoever. A trialversion is available, fully-function for ten days. You still need to provide ane-mail address to get the activation code for the demo.
Tools of the Trade
Years ago, when I was a new immigrant to the United States, I decided to improvemy English by playing the crossword puzzles. Nothing difficult like the NewYork Times’—just TV Guide’s—but it was challenging enough for me. I wouldspend hours among a pile of reference books, including an English-Vietnamesedictionary, an English dictionary, some dictionary of American idioms, analmanac or two, and some version of Bartlett’s Book of Quotations. I would savecompleted puzzles for future reference, as well as the Fall Preview issues of TVGuide, because the special issues cover the new shows, spin-offs, and revampedshows, with the names of the actors and actresses. From time to time, I wouldmake a list of things to research about and make the regular trips to the localpublic library. It was all very time-consuming, but I was a high school kid withplenty of time.
Fast-forward to today. I no longer do TV Guide crosswords but occasionallywrite a limerick or haiku. I also do not have stacks of books with me whenwriting poetry, but the process really did not change that much. I may use theAmerican Heritage Dictionary on the iPad or visit Wikipedia or some rhymes Website. Instead of various sources of paper reference, I now use differentelectronic sources of reference. It gets the job done, albeit not elegantly.This is where a centralized tool like MasterWriter makes a big difference.
One-Stop Shop
MasterWriter is a collection of tools to help you produce songs or poems. Theinterface is a bit unusual in that you don’t do much with the top pull-downmenus. Instead, most of the interaction is done through the two rows of buttons.Your work is collected in the Songs big button; then, to its right, are thevarious reference dictionaries like Dictionary and Rhymes. The second row ofbuttons pertains to the works themselves. For example, you can play with someMIDI drum loops to get an idea of how your song will work or register withSongGuard to establish the creation time of your handiwork, in case you need tohave the info for some courtroom.
The MasterWriter interface, with your work under the Songs button.
Poets and songwriters should head straight for the rhyming dictionary. You getmore than just the exact rhymes, as there is also sound-alikes, e.g. “move” and“mousse.” For the sound-alikes, you get to choose between Wider or X-Wide, aswell as to show the perfect rhymes along with the less-than-perfect ones. Thenumber of syllables can make or break a song, so MasterWriter convenientlyincludes the option to see all the rhyming words or only those that have acertain number of syllables. For the life of me, I cannot understand meters andfeet in poetry, but for those forms of poetry that specify a certain syllablelength per line, MasterWriter can greatly help me.
English is an interesting language. There are words called heteronyms that arespelled the same but have different pronunciations as well as differentmeanings. MasterWriter is aware of this twist in the language and refers toheteronyms as Alt-Pronunciations. In the screenshot, the word is “row” (topropel a boat, rhymes with “blow”), and its heteronym (a quarrel, rhymes with“cow”) is shown in the lower left corner.
Exact rhymes, approximate rhymes, syllables break-down, alternatepronunciation, everything for your rhyming needs.
If rhyming words is not enough for you, you can opt for rhyming phrases. Youhave all choices with syllables, closeness, and alternate pronunciations.Something extra is that you can search for all phrases that rhyme, such as“Stuck in the eighties” to rhyme with “baby,” or limit the phrase search to onlythose phrases that end with the exact word, e.g. “Sleep like a baby.”
If having all the rhyming words still does not get your creative juicesflowing, switch to rhyming phrases.
The rhyming phrases are not to be confused with the phrases referencedictionary. With phrases, you enter a word and MasterWriter would fetch for youa set of phrases that have that word in them. Alternatively, you can browse theindex to see the many phrases available for a given word. Common similes,idioms, expressions, etc.—you most likely will find them here. I expected tofind famous quotations or popular movie quotes here, but that is not the case. Iguess MasterWriter does not want to guide you toward plagiarism.
Looking for an idiom or common simile? Click Phrases.
The dictionary and thesaurus reference dictionaries do what their names suggest,but the word families reference dictionary’s functions are not so obvious. Atfirst glance, you would think it duplicates the work of the thesaurus, since youmay notice some words that are synonyms for the word you entered. It is muchmore than that. Given a word, MasterWriter would list for you many words relatedto the word, not just adjective or verb, but all the different parts of speech.For verbs, if applicable, you also get past tense words (“-ed”), singular words(“-s”), and progressive words (“-ing”), in addition to the base verb. Forcertain words, like “pretty,” you have the option of seeing words of varyingintensity. For example, with “pretty” you can go from “cute” to “gorgeous.” Thewords are all there for you to browse.
Think of a word and MasterWriter can help you branch out from that one word.
If you have a severe case of writer’s block, check out the parts of speechreference dictionary. Unlike the reference dictionaries we looked at so far, inparts of speech you do not have to enter a word to search for. For starters, youhave the four parts of speech, i.e. adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs, tobrowse through. You can use word filters to see positive or negative words, like“famous” or “notorious,” or moderate or intense words, such as “fair” or“fantastic.” Lastly, you can see words that are in a certain alliteration grouponly. In case you don’t know, an alliteration is a sentence that has repetitionof sounds in the first syllables of the words, such as “She sells seashells onthe seashore.”
Check out the alliteration group. Maybe you can come up with somethingbetter than William Safire’s “Nattering nabobs of negativism.”
Lastly, there is my favorite reference dictionary, Pop Culture. The Englishlanguage constantly evolves, with new words introduced each year. Slang wordsgain general acceptance, acronyms are spelled with lowercase and become words intheir own right, and foreign words get assimilated. Trademark words becomeverbs, names of fictional characters become entwined with a human trait, andmodern technologies, like “texting” and “the Internet,” spawn new wordssometimes out of nowhere. The problem is that traditional dictionaries take along time to include new words. With MasterWriter’s Pop Culture, you get thelatest buzzwords and don’t have to wait years for the words to seep into the olddictionaries.
Pop Culture is divided into five major categories: The World, The Famous, Foodand Drink, Products, and The Bible. Between the five categories, MasterWritercovers words and names in history, geography, current events, trademarks,Biblical quotes, and more. As you drill down into each item, you can read moreabout the item courtesy of Wikipedia via MasterWriter’s built-in browser. Youcan use Wikipedia’s hyperlinks to jump around to get even more info on the topicat hand, or even leave Wikipedia altogether for the general Web.
Pop Culture’s five main categories provide plenty of fuel to get yourcreative juices flowing.
The Bee Gees sang about a mining accident; Sting wrote about the Cold War.What will you write about?
From within MasterWriter, you can visit Wikipedia to research the subject athand.
Minor Imperfections
While using MasterWriter, I often think of the old song “Too Much Information”by The Police, in a good way, that is. Yet there are two categories of wordsthat MasterWriter should cover. One is puns and the other is eye-rhymes.
Puns are words that sound somewhat alike or exactly the same but have differentmeanings. Without pairs of words like “orange/aren’t” and “police/please,”knock-knock jokes would never be made. Not everyone likes puns, but they areused in many headlines and play a major role in the punch lines of jokes. Ithink whatever tagging or cross-referencing technology used for the rhyme wordscould be used for puns. Puns should have their own reference dictionary inMasterWriter.
Masterwriter 2 Download
Eye-rhymes are words that appear to rhyme, but only to the eyes. Like“slaughter” and “laughter,” they are spelled almost the same and should rhymebut they don’t. Some pairs of eye-rhymes are results of changes in the words’pronunciation over the years. Others come about through Americanizing BritishEnglish words, while others are simply assimilation of foreign words into theEnglish language, such as “cannoli” and “hello.” There may not be enougheye-rhyme words to get their own module in MasterWriter, but I think they can bebunched into a section of the rhymes reference dictionary.
If you are serious about writing songs or poems, MasterWriter 2.0 is a powerfulreference tool to have. You get much more than a rhyming dictionary. The manyreference dictionaries provide many ways for you to find words related to yourwords. Words can be found by the number of syllables, how closely they rhyme,intensity, and even in phrases. The wise inclusion of pop culture words helpkeep your creation up-to-date and not stuck in some archaic mode. Right withinMasterWriter, you can read up on the pop culture entry thanks to Wikipedia. Theinclusion of puns and eye-rhymes, in my opinion, would make MasterWriter aperfect product.
Copyright © 2011 Linus Ly. Reviewing in ATPM is open to anyone. Ifyou’re interested, write to us at
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